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Graduation Pic

Ashley Colocado Garcia

University Of Florida Graduate 2020

"We have to talk about liberating minds as well as liberating society."

-Angela Davis

Hello! Kumusta! Hola! Ciao! Bonjour! My name is Ashley Colocado Garcia and welcome to my ePortfolio. 


My most prominent identities include being a cis-gender female with pronouns she, her, and hers, a second generation Filipinx-American, coming from a family of immigrants, able-bodied, and middle-class. I am a recent Psychology graduate from the University of Florida. I am passionate about working towards the collective healing and liberation of Black, queer, and other marginalized folx. I also have a strong love for travel and developing awareness and knowledge of different cultural backgrounds. Whenever I am not working on research or coursework I am hanging out with my lovable pug, improving my cooking skills, or working on my home garden. 


would like to personally thank you for taking the time to view my ePortfolio. I hope you enjoy the journey.


Doug at the park
Chicago city shadow
Sunset Cliffs
Sunset Cliffs
Grand Canyon
Doug in a hammock


Please contact me if you have any questions, comments, or would like to chat!

Thanks for your message!

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