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As my time at the University of Florida is coming to an end, I have been reflecting on my undergraduate journey. I am a completely different person than when I started here three years ago. I started my freshman year on the pre-medical track with hopes of becoming a pediatrician. I stayed stubborn on this track for my first two years. I was constantly convincing myself to stay on this path even though deep down I knew it was just not for me. But, when I started the International Scholars Program in my last year I finally decided to change my career path. When I made the change, I embarked on a completely unplanned undergraduate journey. 

The International Scholars Program provided fruitful resources that helped me develop into a culturally competent and aware person. Through my ISP courses, I expanded my way of thinking. From arts and medicine, the global environment and human activity, cooking and science, to gender and positions of power, I gained a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of systems. While studying these intricate structures I stayed focused on the bigger concepts, but I learned to be aware of the impact I have on the systems around me as well. I began to get into the groove of actively challenging my thought processes.


Outside of an educational setting, I have increased my cultural mindfulness through personal endeavors as well. Traveling is a vital component of my life. I am confident that I would not be the person I am today without the experiences I made while traveling. Traveling at a young age was influential in the development of my world values and perspectives. I believe that traveling initiated my unquenchable sense of curiosity. I broke out of my bubble and became aware of other experiences that are not my own. There are billions of people living different realities and finding their values and goals within their own reality. That kind of concept is humbling but also inspiring as I have the ability to transform my reality. 


One of the most important takeaways I got from the International Scholars Program is that cultural experience and active education is vital in becoming a culturally mindful person. It is one thing to learn about a culture in class and another thing to experience that culture. Conversely, you can explore a new culture but have little awareness of how to respect the people or the land. Taking the extra step in being active in both elements is so important. Understanding that while traveling abroad is not accessible to all, there are other ways to experience a culture that is unlike your own. When I am not able to drop everything and catch a flight, I am engaging others in deep conversations about their culture. I am trying new authentic foods or I am finding ways to get involved with the diverse community around me. The International Scholars Program exposed me to different cultural activities in the Gainesville community which gave me the opportunity to improve my cultural competence. 


My time at UF is over, but the awareness that I learned here does not end with my undergraduate experience. Internationalizing my degree will make me a flexible professional and also an open-minded person. I have been in the International Scholars Program for a short year and a half, but I have met people and learned things that I will never forget. Most importantly, I have grown into the culturally aware, educated, and critical person that I am today. All in all, my time at the University of Florida was a transformative experience and I know that I am leaving as a better person. 

My Time At UF

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